2020 Vintage in Burgundy

The 2020 vintage of Burgundy is one that brings much trepidation within buyers because it was a rather unique and interesting season. One, of course, because of the Covid epidemic; and, also, because it was unusually hot.

The season began with a mild winter, unusual for the region. Typical to Chablis, however, frost struck and luckily imparted little damage. Following a mild winter was a dry and hot summer. Bud break and flowering were early, and overall harvest started early (the Macon was the first to start picking, which commenced in mid-August).

Although the harvest was not an unanimous success as some producers lost significant yields, particularly Pinot Noir, to the intense summer heat, the quality of the surviving grapes looks set to be high. On balance, producers have high hopes for their wines. The whites are said to be both aromatic and fresh, while the reds are said to be both complex and structured, if a little higher in alcohol than normal.

Overall, the 2020 vintage was an interesting year for Burgundy, as the region had to contend with both an arid growing season and a global pandemic which made having general tastings difficult. However, the general feeling remains one of optimism particularly when it comes to the whites which could prove to be the region's winning card.

Why you should be drinking 2020 Burgundy:

The hot growing conditions created reds that are a more fruit forward, jammy, and have a slightly higher alcohol and phenolic ripeness. However, they were still undeniably Burgundian. These are the wines you drink over the next few years while your investment bottles can age and evolve into maturity. The 2020 vintage has created delightful wines that don’t need much time to age, and are performing well now. Burgundy wines are crafted with the purpose of aging. What a treat to be able to enjoy these wines now! The wines are still finessed, aromatic, and layered with complexity. Phenolic ripeness is slightly pronounced, but in much better balance and harmony. 2020 is a classic vintage for Chablis, and absolutely should be included in investment purchases. This is not a vintage to skip out on, especially since prices and quantities will consistently change (and not for the better).

That being said, there is still some Jean Collet, Bernard Defaix, Armand Heitz, and Patrice Rion in stock. I wouldn’t pass them up just because of the 2020 birth year (especially the Jean Collet!).



